The Zen Of Python for Developers
The zen of python course introduces the students to the Python Programming Language and takes them from writing simple scripts using rich data structures and APIs to building modular Object-Oriented software. This course fits both programmers with basic experience using Python and people with only some experience in other languages. The course covers the fundamentals of python programming through intensive practical learning and lets deliver at least half of the course dedicated to more advanced topics.
לחצו כאן BI לקורס פייתון עבור אנליסטים ואנשי
The Zen Of Python Course Objectives:
The course will focus on strengthening understanding and fluency in python.
With tips, tricks and rule-of-thumb, and deep dives, we take your Python skills to the next level:
- Write short, concise, readable code in a pythonic style
- Avoid pitfalls, tricky gotchas, and common bugs
- Understand how Python works under the hood
IT, QA and R&D developers with little or no Python experience
- Practical experience in some programming languages: C/C++, Java, Cobol
- Python experience a plus
- The basics: Objects, types, variables
- Everything is an object
- The zen of python
- Flow control and loops
- emphasis on the utility of for loop and list comprehension
- Unpacking
- Debugging in visual studio code
- Strings
- Strings and their functions
- Escaping
- Multiline strings
- Raw strings
- String formatting and f-strings
- Collections
- Lists, sets, dictionary and their uses
- Mutability vs immutability
- iterables
- Collection tricks: defaultdict, Counter
- Functions
- Designing good functions
- Side effects and pure VS non-pure functions
- Positional arguments and keyword arguments
- Default arguments
- Variadic functions *args, **kwargs
- Lambda
- Functions as variables and objects
- Exceptions
- Catching exception with try / except
- The finally clause
- Stack unrolling
- Raising exceptions
- The exceptions hierarchy
- File i/o
- Opening and closing files
- Iterating over lines using for
- Writing to files
- With statement
- Modules
- How the import process works
- From .. import … as … and variations
- The __main__ trick
- Packages
- Dependency management with pipenv

- על פי דרישה מועד פתיחה
- 9:00-16:30 | פעם בשבוע
ימים ושעות
- 40
שעות אקדמיות
- בסיסי +מתקדם
רמת הקורס
- עברית
שפת הדרכה
לבדיקת התאמה לקורס
לפתיחה והורדת סילבוס