Angular 9.x Development
Today JavaScript is the language of the web. On the client, on the server, on the mobile, everywhere. But let’s face it: JavaScript still has challenges. Angular brings an entirely new approach to web application development. We need to understand TypeScript, RxJS, and a new template syntax just to get started! This course provides a developer-level introduction along with more advanced and useful features of JavaScript and Angular.
Experienced Developers in any programming language
Basic knowledge of HTML and Javascript
Angular Fundamentals
- The Challenge with Web Apps (SPA)
- Directives & Components
- Pipes
- Forms
- Modules
- Routes
Template Syntax
- Interpolation
- Template expressions
- Binding syntax
- Input and Output Properties
- Template Expression Operators
- Property Binding
- Attribute, Class and Style Bindings
- Event Binding
- Two-way data binding with NgModel
- Built-in Directives
- * and template
- Local template variables
- Component Overview
- Component Metadata (@component)
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Component encapsulation
- @Input and @Output
- @ContentChildren & @ContentChild
- @ViewChildren & @ViewChild
- Component change detection strategy
- Directive Overview
- Directive Metadata (@Directive)
- Structural Directive
- TemplateRef & ViewContainerRef Classes
- Renderer Class
- Attribute Directive
- @HostBinding
- @HostListener
Forms in Angular
- Forms Overview
- User Input
- Template-driven Forms
- Reactive Forms
- FormBuilder Service
- Dynamic Forms
Angular Pipes
- Using Pipes
- Built-in pipes
- Parameterizing a Pipe
- Chaining pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Stateful Pipes
- Async Pipe
Routing and Navigation
- Navigation flow
- Routes Tree
- RouterLink Directive
- RouterOutlet Component
- Router class
- Router lifecycle hooks & guards
- Lazy loading
- Preloading
- Dynamic Routes
Server Communication (HttpClient service)
- Installation
- Enable RxJS Operators
- Using HttpClient To Request Data
- Using HttpClient To Send Data
- HttpClient API’s
- Http Default Options
- Error handling
- Configuring other parts of the request
- Interceptors
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Security: XSRF Protection
- Communication with JSONP
- Events (HttpEvent class)
Dependency Injection (DI)
- Why Dependency Injection?
- Angular Dependency Injection
- Configuring the Injector
- Services
- @Injectable() & @inject
- Injector Providers
- The Injector Tree
- Component Injectors
Change Detection & Lifecycle Hooks
- ngZone
- Change Detection Algorithm
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Tips and Tricks to improve the performance
- Template Context
- Providers
- Core modules
- Share modules
- Feature modules
- TypeScript Barrels pattern
Async & Parallel programming
- Async programming problems and solutions
- Callbacks
- Micro tasks in ECMAScript 2016
- Promises
- Async & await
- Rxjs library
- Parallel programming problems and solutions
- Multithreading with Workers
- js library
- js library
- Rxjs schedulers
- Angular CLI – Adding Web Worker
- Angular async pipe
NGRX – Reactive State for Angular
- NGRX Architecture
- Action
- Reducers
- Selectors
- @ngrx/store-devtools
- Effects
- @ngrx Entity
Angular Techniques
- Security
- Internationalization (i18n)
- Accessibility
- PWA and Service Worker
- Angular Universal
- ng deploy
- Custom Schematics
Upgrading From 1.X (optional)
- Preparation for migrating
- Component method vs. Directive method
- Upgrading with The Upgrade Adapter

- 11/05/2020 מועד פתיחה
- 09:00-16:30 | ב+ה
ימים ושעות
- 32
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רמת הקורס
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שפת הדרכה
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