Scala Course for non-Java developers
Scala course will teach you the key language concepts and programming techniques you need. Scala is a programming language that is a superset of Java, blending the object-oriented and the functional programming paradigms. The language is complex and could take a semester or more to master. This class focuses only on the basic elements that are necessary to be able to program in Spark.
Course objectives:
- What Scala is and how it differs from languages such as Java or Python
- Why Scala is a good choice for Spark programming
- How to use key language features such as data types, collections, and flow control
- How to implement functional programming solutions in Scala
- How to work with Scala classes, packages, and libraries
- Working with libraries
OOP developers
Basic knowledge of programming concepts such as objects, conditional statements, and looping is required. Basic knowledge of Linux is assumed.
Java Concepts for Scala Programming
- Introduction to Java: History, Platform
- Java for C/C++ developers
- Conventions
- Development/Compile/Runtime environments
- The Java API
- Classes, Objects, Bulit-In classes
- Instance Fields/Methods, Constructors
- Inheritance
- Overloading and Overriding
- Inheritance
- Abstract Classes, Interfaces
- Polymorphism
- Java Collections
Scala Overview
- Introducing Scala
- Scala’s Role in Distributed
Data Processing
- The Motivation for Scala
Scala Basics
- Key Scala Concepts
- Programming in Scala
- Putting Scala Basics to Work
Working with Data Types
- Overview of Scala Variables
- Operating with Numeric Types
- Building Boolean Expressions
- Working with Strings
Grouping Data Together
- Storing Elements of Different Types
- Overview of Scala Collection Types
- Creating a Collection of Unique Elements
- Fast Access to Head of Collection
- Fast Access to Arbitrary Elements
- Fast Access with a Key
- Common Collection Type Conversions
Flow Control in Scala
- Looping
- Using Iterators
- Writing Functions
- Passing Functions as Arguments
- Collection Iteration Methods
- Pattern Matching
- Processing Data with Partial Functions
Using and Creating Libraries
- Using Classes and Objects
- Creating and Using Packages
- Importing Part of a Package

- על פי דרישה מועד פתיחה
- 9:00-16:30
ימים ושעות
- 16
שעות אקדמיות
- בסיסי
רמת הקורס
שפת הדרכה
לבדיקת התאמה לקורס
לפתיחה והורדת סילבוס